Monday, December 16, 2013

Masters Photos

For this assignment, publish a blog post with your master's inspired photographs.

1. Include a brief biography of the photographer selected by your group

2. Describe how your group was inspired by the photographer

3. Upload 5-10 edited photographs (taken by YOU) to the post

4. Chose the best and upload to your website)

5. Include a link to your website

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Portraits Inlfuenced by the Masters

Advanced Photography students have taken portraits this year. So far, I have encouraged students to implement elements of art and rules of composition. Students have created their own work based on their

For the next series of portraits, students will choose a photographer and create portraits inspired by a master.

Each group will choose a well known photographer from the International Photography Hall of Fame List.

I included this list. I also added Irving Penn.

2nd Period
Bill Brandt - Naomy's Group
Minor White - Tyra's Group
Yousuf Karsh - Evelyn's Group
Henri Cartier Bresson - Moses's Group
Paul Strand - Andrea's Group

3rd Period
Richard Avedon - Nathalie's Group
Gordon Parks - Akila's Group
Irving Penn - Alexes's Group
August Sander - Christian Ruiz's Group
Hallsman - Darnell's Group
Imogen Cunningham - Billie's Group

Monday, December 2, 2013

Portraits - How Can You Take Better Portraits

Seniors at Pittsburg High are learning how to live with babies today.

Post 10 clean links about taking portraits.
List 3 things that you learned.
This is my son Mason from 2009.

Here is a list with 22 articles.

My portrait post about a family. The mother is a nurse who helps deliver babies.

Tomorrow we will take more portraits and Wednesday you will edit and upload to your blog and website.

If you want credit for today's assignment, send an email with this subject

Advanced Photo - Period 2 or 3 Portrait Lessons

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Preparing Your About Me Page

Do you read the About Me page when you view a photographer's website?

What do you want to know?

What interests you?

What do you want readers to know about you when they view your page?

Study the "About Page" (or bios) at the Photoshelter BEAM site. What are your favorite profiles?

Brainstorm a list of ten items you want people to know about you... share with your group.

Begin creating your Wix website. If you are committed to Weebly, you may use it instead.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homecoming Week and Link Check

Work in Pairs with someone who is NOT in your group.

Sit somewhere that you do NOT normally sit.

Start with the first post and check each other's links to see if they work.

Also check to see if both people have all the links to each other's group members' pages.

Here is a much simpler assignment we did in Photo 1. By the way, this morning I found a link on my page that did not work. It happens.

Home, Mumford & Sons, (Period 3 addition)

Homeward Bound, Simon Garfunkel, "poet and a one man band..."


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Artistic Review - Photographer's Website

Students had the option to review a student website or a teacher website. The students chose to review their teacher's photography website. Below is the description of the assignment with the rubric. (Earlier, students reviewed the new camera's before receiving a rubric.)

Website- Artistic Review- Bryan Farley dot com
PROMPT: Analyze the website of teacher Bryan Farley before he changes to new theme?
  • 3-4 Paragraphs
  • Posted to blog

Must include
  • Intro with background information
  • Thesis Statement
  • Topic sentences
  • Examples from site
  • Commentary that supports the examples with live links
Below Expectations
Student will include relevant and sufficient evidence.
Student includes no background information on piece being reviewed
Student includes minimal background information on piece being reviewed
Student includes basic background information on piece being reviewed
Student provides detailed background on the piece.  This background includes historical cultural connections and/or artist information beyond name.

Student will use valid reasoning in order to choose sufficient evidence in order to support claims
Student includes no examples from piece.
Student includes minimal examples from piece. These examples may not be relevant.
Student includes specific, relevant examples from piece.
Student includes many specific, relevant examples from the pieces, artfully weaving these examples into the review.

Student will use relevant evidence in order to support claims concerning interpretation of text and analysis of textual parts as they create meaning.
Student does not address the specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole
Student addresses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to discuss how these elements provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student discusses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and the meaning of these choices within the context of the whole.
Student uses the specific examples in order to discuss the choices made by the artist. This discussion includes the way in which these choices give meaning,

Student is able to produce clear, coherent writing which uses a style appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
The writer's opinion is unclear and/or unsupported. The writer does not write for a specific audience.
The writer's opinion is stated, but is not supported. The audience for the review may be unclear or the tone inappropriate
The writer's opinion is clearly stated and supported. The review is written for the desired audience and maintains an appropriate tone throughout.
The writer's opinion is artfully stated and supported. The review flows smoothly from one idea to another. The intended audience and purpose are clear.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cropping for Better Composition - Advanced Photo


If you are my Advanced Photo students, you have my permission to copy these photos for this assignment. In your blog post, publish the original and the cropped photo. Name your blog post the same as my blog post.

Explain how the new post follows the rule of composition. If you wish, use the sentence stem at the bottom of the post.

If you want to change the exposure, you may, but you must crop and explain your choices.

The cropped photo illustrates the ___________ rule of composition , because ______________ .

Here is my photo gallery from Day 1 of the Treasure Island Music Festival.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Should Have Seen It In Color

This month we have studied black and white photography. On October 1st, we studied Ansel Adams (2) and other early 20th century nature photographers. We have also studied 19th century photography art forms this month (example 1 and example 2) during our daily reading of Lens.

In class we are taking "family photos" in color so that students can learn more about the history of photography. Families from the late 1800's appear depressed, even in the 1890's (Gay 90's). There wasw a time when subjects were required to sit still; facial expressions were limited. People could not move (or blink).

I wonder when the first smile appeared in a photo? Was it fake?

Students will be able to use the color "family photos" taken at school and covert them to black and white or other styles. For the assignment, students will post the original photo and the edited versions. Students should also explain something about the history of photography.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yosemite and Photography

On this day in 1890 Yosemite opened as a national park. (Coincidentally, Yosemite is closed today, because the national government has shut down.)

Ansel Adams created the best known images of Yosemite. However, he is not the only well known photographer to make pictures of Yosemite.

Pop Laval, a Central Valley photographer, started photographing Yosemite nearly 100 years ago. How did he make money? Did Yosemite pay him?

Who makes the most interesting photographs of Yosemite now? How are the images created? Are photographers paid to photograph Yosemite? If you were photographing Yosemite, what would you do? What would you want to do?

Monday, September 23, 2013


Photographers prepare checklists before they shoot events. Some photographers have pre-printed checklists. Other photographers create event specific lists. If I do not have a check list, I worry that I am forgetting something. (I am nervous before almost every photo shoot even when I am prepared, so I need a checklist.) If I were not prepared, I would struggle.

Often, I list the same item twice. It is better to list something twice than not at all.

We have not created a checklist yet and many students have forgotten to complete assignments. When I tried to grade this weekend, I realized that students had not created lists. Today during second period, a group leader and assistant group leader helped me create this list. See if it helps you finish assignments.

1. email address
2. appropriate email address that has passed the spam filter
3. signature on gmail
4. clean link at bottom of signature that directs to blog
5. signature and link checked by group
6. a blog from blogger (with appropriate title)
7. contacts added
8. email profile with first and last name
9. email group
10. know the first and last names of your group
11. Group Member Link List on blog
12. Photo Site Link List on blog
13. First Assignment Blog Post about Light
14. Composition Links (with embedded links)
15. Cropping Before and After Photos (3 of each)
16. Did the person identify which photos were Before and After?
17. Elements of Art (Photo Art Walk listing elements and examples from walk)
18. Photo Booth Pictures (5 only) with names of filters/effects
19 Explanation for choices of different filters/effects
20. Reflection email (three questions and answers) that includes group members names and link to blog
21 Self evaluation (score only 20 out of 20)

Am I missing something?

Monday, September 16, 2013

History (and Future) of the Photo Booth

What was revealed at the 1889 World's Fair? Many people know that the Eiffel Tower was built for the World's Fair, but not everyone knows that the first photo booth was created for the Paris World's Fair.

What has more significance?

Dominic Colacchio and Chelsea Lauren prepare to have their photo taken at the befunky photo booth during the JEA Spring 2013 National Convention in San Francisco. Dominic and Chelsea are both professional photographers.

Read about the history of the Photo Booth. After you have studied the history and the current use of the photo booth, you and your group will create your own photo booth exposition. Using the different filters provided in the photo booth program, each person will create five different photos.

We will present a photo walk in class, so that other students can see our final photos.

Please be creative!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Review Elements of Art

What are the elements of art?

How will you use them in your next project?

What is your group's project?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reflection - The Individual in a Group

How are you as a group member? What are your strengths? What can you improve? What have you learned from others?

Reflecting on the early part of the school year, how do you see yourself as a group member?

Using your gmail account, send an email to my school email address discussing your problem solving skills as they relate to your group. You can address the questions above as well as any others that you have considered.

Also include your group members first and last names. These are the people who will help you outside of class. In case of emergency, you may need to know them.

If you do not have your blog web address in your email signature, include it in your email.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Concert Photography and Composition Rules

Using the rules of composition, chose three of these photos and crop them to improve their quality. In a new blog post, include the three original photographs and the three cropped versions. Label the photographs "Before" and "After."

I took these photographs during a Girl In a Coma concert in Oakland, California. For some reason, I did not originally publish these photographs, but I published these photos from the same night.

As The World Falls Down, Girl In a Coma

I listen to this song often. It is a cover of a David Bowie song.

Using the rules of composition, chose three of these photos and crop them to improve their quality.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Composers and Composition

On our second day of school, you may have noticed that the Google home page showcased a Google Doodle of musical composer Claude Debussy. On August 22, Debussy would have turned 151. Debussy was an influential impressionist.

When you wrote your first email with Gmail you probably composed the message by clicking the "compose" button. When you started your first Blogger post, you might have used the "Compose" button also. Artists, writers, musicians and photographers compose media.

Today you will publish a post with three useful links about composition. Please embed the links into your post.

During class we also listened to famous composers such as Mozart, Vivaldi and Beethoven and The Beatles.

NOTE: Updated throughout the day with correct Google link and artist information

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Light - First Group Project

How do you see light? What do you see? What do you ignore?

In Advanced Photography, you will study light. Some students might focus on light even when not in class. For this assignment, your group will walk into the hallway together quietly. You will walk under the first skylight closest to our classroom. Take turns walking under the light. Look at your classmates under the light and notice how the light reflects off their form.

When you return to the room, discuss what you noticed. Write a blog post about the experience. Then comment on each other's posts. Since this is Advanced Photography, I expect evidence of critical thinking. How would you use these conditions for a project? When would this lighting work for a picture? What did your group member write that inspired you?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Email Assignment and Group Project

First impressions are important. People judge quickly. Often our judgments are wrong, but we still judge quickly.

How do you want to be viewed when you send an email? It depends. When you communicate with your friends, you probably communicate differently than you communicate with your parents or teachers. You might use a different email address too. This is normal. I communicate differently with my friends too.

So that you are better prepared to communicate appropriately for college and career

1. Create an appropriate gmail account with a first and last name combination. 
2. Compose a message and send to Bryan Farley at my Pittsburg High School email account. (Yes, I know that at the time of this assignment I am not listed on the website.) 

3. Include a subject that identifies 2nd or 3rd period and the course; also mention that this is a group assignment.
4. In the body of the email, include your group members. Please list their first and last names.
5. Using the comment section, reply to everyone in your group.  
6. This is a group assignment. You are not done until everyone in your group is finished. You may help the members in your group if they have questions. 

Many of you know that you can find my personal email or photography business email through and at Please do not contact me through those sites unless completely necessary. For all school related work, please contact me at school.

NOTE: This post was updated on September 8, 2013. My spam filter regularly blocks messages. Even if your first message was received, a later message might be blocked. I check my filter nearly every school day. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to Advanced Photography

This will be the blog for the Advanced Photography class for 2013-14 school year. I will post the assignments and discussions here.

You can learn more about me on this blog and my photography blog at my AboutMe site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at my school email address. If you need a translator, we can find one.

Thank you,
