Students had the option to review a student website or a teacher website. The students chose to review their teacher's photography website. Below is the description of the assignment with the rubric. (Earlier, students reviewed the new camera's before receiving a rubric.)
Website- Artistic Review- Bryan Farley dot com
PROMPT: Analyze the website of teacher Bryan Farley before he changes to new theme?
- 3-4 Paragraphs
- Posted to blog
Must include
- Intro with background information
- Thesis Statement
- Topic sentences
- Examples from site
- Commentary that supports the examples with live links
Below Expectations
Student will include relevant and sufficient evidence.
Student includes no background information on piece being reviewed
Student includes minimal background information on piece being reviewed
Student includes basic background information on piece being reviewed
Student provides detailed background on the piece. This background includes historical cultural connections and/or artist information beyond name.
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Student will use valid reasoning in order to choose sufficient evidence in order to support claims
Student includes no examples from piece.
Student includes minimal examples from piece. These examples may not be relevant.
Student includes specific, relevant examples from piece.
Student includes many specific, relevant examples from the pieces, artfully weaving these examples into the review.
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Student will use relevant evidence in order to support claims concerning interpretation of text and analysis of textual parts as they create meaning.
Student does not address the specific choices within the piece and their effect on the piece as a whole
Student addresses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and attempts to discuss how these elements provide meaning within the piece as a whole.
Student discusses the specific artistic choices seen in the piece and the meaning of these choices within the context of the whole.
Student uses the specific examples in order to discuss the choices made by the artist. This discussion includes the way in which these choices give meaning,
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Student is able to produce clear, coherent writing which uses a style appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
The writer's opinion is unclear and/or unsupported. The writer does not write for a specific audience.
The writer's opinion is stated, but is not supported. The audience for the review may be unclear or the tone inappropriate
The writer's opinion is clearly stated and supported. The review is written for the desired audience and maintains an appropriate tone throughout.
The writer's opinion is artfully stated and supported. The review flows smoothly from one idea to another. The intended audience and purpose are clear.
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