1. Use Aperture and create a Black and White image.
2. Resize it to 440 pixels wide by 660 pixels tall
3. Make the photo 100 dpi
4. Create a text watermark and add to the photo. Since I took the photo, the watermark should read something similar to "copyright Bryan Farley."
5. Send to resized Black and White photo to my school email. Title the email, Period 2 (or 3), Happy Belated Birthday, Ansel Adams
Oh, two more things...
First, I should list a learning objective here, but I forgot.
Secondly, and probably more important (to me), I neglected to tell you how grateful I am to be your teacher. Even during the moments when I am sarcastic (and rude) and tell you that it is not my job to teach but my job to have you learn. I love being your teacher. You are an amazing group of students.