Friday, February 21, 2014

Ansel Adams and Aperture

Yesterday was Ansel Adams' birthday. We are using one of my photos that reminds me of an Ansel Adams photo, especially when converted to black and white. I am sending a larger file to your group leaders so that you can complete this assignment.

1. Use Aperture and create a Black and White image.

2. Resize it to 440 pixels wide by 660 pixels tall

3. Make the photo 100 dpi

4. Create a text watermark and add to the photo. Since I took the photo, the watermark should read something similar to "copyright Bryan Farley."

5. Send to resized Black and White photo to my school email. Title the email, Period 2 (or 3), Happy Belated Birthday, Ansel Adams

Oh, two more things...

First, I should list a learning objective here, but I forgot.
Secondly, and probably more important (to me), I neglected to tell you how grateful I am to be your teacher. Even during the moments when I am sarcastic (and rude) and tell you that it is not my job to teach but my job to have you learn. I love being your teacher. You are an amazing group of students. 


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Unity Art Contest Assignment - Enter or Not

For your next assignment, you will prepare a photograph for the Diablo Peace & Justice Center's 17th Annual Dennis Thomas Art & Writing Challenge.

You do NOT NEED TO ENTER THE COMPETITION. For this class, you need to submit a photograph to me.

For the project, post 15-20 photos. Call the post Art Contest - Fitting In or Belonging (note: added for clarification on March 6th, 2014)

Visual Performing Art Standards

2.1 Adv Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill in a variety of media that reflect their feelings and points of view.
5.2 Create a work of art that communicates a cross-cultural or universal theme taken from literature or history.

The following is the call for entries. If you have questions, you may contact the organizer.


Diablo Peace & Justice Center's
17th Annual  Dennis Thomas



Nelson Mandela said, "A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of" and Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Through our scientific genius we have made of the world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spiritual genius we must make of it a brotherhood."

Let us consider the ways we can work together to celebrate the diversity of our world.  Mr. Mandela speaks of "community" and Dr. King speaks of "neighborhood" and "brotherhood."   Using your unique, artistic voice, create a visual and/or literary interpretation of diversity, multiculturalism, community, or brotherhood.

Ideas to Consider:

Think about ways of bringing people together.  Remember a time you experienced a new culture, became friends with someone different from you, or challenged a stereotype.


Middle School:   1@$200, 2@$100, 3@$75 and 4@$50

High School:   1@$500, 2@$250, 3@$150 and 4@$100

Winners will be honored at an Awards Dinner on Saturday, May 10, 2014

Four Categories Available:

Essay - 750 (middle school) or 1,000 (high school) words or less;

Creative Writing - poem, story or play;

Art - any medium; or

Video - on DVD or memory stick

Contest Rules:

 1.  Contest is open to all Contra Costa County students.

 1.  VERY IMPORTANT !!!:  For all entries: Include a cover sheet with your NAME, HOME ADDRESS, PHONE, EMAIL, SCHOOL, GRADE, TEACHER (or teacher who informed you of the contest), TEACHER'S PHONE and EMAIL, ENTRY CATEGORY and TITLE OF WORK. (please use cover sheet available below)

 1.  All writing entries are to be a maximum of 750 words (middle school) or 1,000 (high school): typed, double-spaced, with numbered pages.  Please have a teacher review your writing before submitting.  If possible, send the document as a .doc or .docx email attachment to<>.  Otherwise, send two copies by mail.  Writing entries will not be returned.
 2.  For art entries, attach the cover sheet on the back.  Arrangements will be made for art to be returned after the Awards Dinner.
 3.  Entries will be judged on composition, originality, depth of thought, and relationship to topic.
 4.  Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center reserves the right to reprint all entries.

Postmarked or delivered no later than

5 p.m. Friday, April 11, 2014.

Mail to:  Mt.  Diablo Peace & Justice Center 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 or contact the office to arrange for delivery: (925) 933-7850 or<>

Two weeks
15-20 finished photos each
Theme Oriented

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Only Slightly Surprisingly Quiz

Artists find inspiration from many places. Photographers copy other photographers. Musicians "cover" other artists' songs. Sometimes musicians choose their band's name from a song by one of their favorite bands.

For example, the band Girl In A Coma chose their name from The Smiths' song "Girlfriend in a Coma." (Our new student requested a Smiths' song yesterday.)

We are using one of my Girl In A Coma images for our quiz today. My students may use this image for the assignment and resize it. Currently, the image is a rectangle. It is also large and print ready. You will edit.

1. Use Aperture and create a square image.

2. Resize it to 600 pixels by 600 pixels

3. Make the photo 100 dpi

4. Create your own watermark and add to the photo.

5. Send to me in an email. Title the email, Square Web Ready Quiz

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Meet Bill Eppridge and 4 Musicians from Liverpool

50 Years ago this week, The Beatles "invaded" America. Bill Eppridge photographed the band during their first week in this country... a week that changed the world of music. Before Eppridge died last year, he and his wife collected previously unreleased photographs from the Beatle's first visit.

Eppridge is better known for his photographs of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and other serious documentary work.

For this assignment, students will be able to recreate one of Eppridge's Beatle's photos and a Beatle's album cover.

All of his photographs were in black in white, so the Eppridge inspired photograph will be in black and white. The album cover may be in cover. Both final products must be "print ready" at 300 dpi AND posted on your blog at 100 dpi.