Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final - Advanced Photo Period 3

Good Morning Period 3!

1. Create a blog post titled  "Semester Final Exam - Period 3" You will email this blog post to me when  you are finished with your final.

2. Type the name to your photo website link and embed the link so that I can click on your website name and go directly to your photo website in a new window. (I gave you an example using my website.)

3. Check that your links to your group member blogs work and that they are included on your blog.

4. Find your favorite blog post that you published from this year. (Here is an example, but you attach the you favorite post, not your entire site.) Give me three reasons that this was your favorite blog post. Why did you like the post?

5. Choose your favorite photo from the semester and tell me why it was your favorite. Paste the photo. List three reasons that you liked the photo.

6. Choose your BEST photos from the first semester. Provide THREE reasons using the language of photography class to explain why the photo was your best. Include the photo or a link to the photo! 

7. List three advantages for working in groups and three disadvantages. (You can use bullets, lists or complete sentences.)

8. Complete this phrase from Life magazine's founder. "Picture _______ "

9. Henri Cartier-Bresson knew when his photos were good because these three things were aligned. What were the three things?

10. Check your spelling and formatting for all your blog posts and pages on your webpages.

11. I am wearing gray today and feeling blue. Edit the photo I took this morning. Open Aperture and color correct the white balance. If you choose, edit the photo to improve composition. Post the before and after photos, so that there are 3 final photos. 1. Before. 2. Color Corrected. 3. Black and White.

12. What project would interest YOU during second semester? 

13. Why do you think Mr. Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone?"

14. No cell phones, headphones or outside classwork at your terminal during the final. No Talking!

15. Send me an email to my Pittsburg Unified work email. The subject should be titled " Period ____ Semester Final, Advanced Photo

I think that is all. If you have questions about the final exam, please walk quietly to the front of the room and ask me.

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