Friday, June 6, 2014

Advanced Photography Final

Good Morning and welcome to your final exam!

1 Create a blog post title Advanced Photography Final Exam. When finished, send the link to my gmail2020 AND school email. List the subject as Period 2, Advanced Photo Final Exam.

In the body of the post, answer the following.

2. Today is the 70th anniversary of the brutal D-Day WWII battle.Who was the famous war photographer who stormed Normandy with the soldiers during WWII? How many photos survived?

3. What photo agency did this photographer create after the war? Who were the other founders?

4. What did Henri Cartier-Bresson says needed to be aligned for a photograph to be successful? (hint: three things)

5. Include a link to your photo website (Weebly or Wix) Why did you choose the first photo for your portfolio?

6. Include the link to your unity project. 

7. Unity Project Presentations! Choose someone in your group to present your project. (Each person presents another student's unity project.)

8. If you wish to remain in contact after this year from college or work references, feel free to remember my contact information. You may add a link to my website or blog. This might help you find me later. My website is bryanfarley dot com; my blog is bryanfarley photography dot com.

9. Have fun. You did well this year.


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