Monday, June 9, 2014

Advanced Photography Final Exam Period 3

Good Morning and welcome to your final exam!

1 Create a blog post title Advanced Photography Final Exam 3. When finished, send the link to my gmail2020 AND school email. List the subject as Period 3, Advanced Photo Final Exam.

In the body of the post, answer the following.

2. Monday was the 70th anniversary of the brutal D-Day WWII battle. Robert Capa, the famous war photographer, stormed Normandy with the soldiers during WWII? How many of his photos survived?

3. What photo agency did he create after the war? Who were the other founders?

4. What did Henri Cartier-Bresson says needed to be aligned for a photograph to be successful? (hint: three things)

5. Include a link to your photo website (Weebly or Wix) Why did you choose the first photo for your portfolio?

6. Include the link to your unity project. 

7. Unity Project Presentations! Choose someone in your group to present your project. (Each person presents another student's unity project.)

8. If you wish to remain in contact after this year from college or work references, feel free to remember my contact information. You may add a link to my website or blog. This might help you find me later. My website is bryanfarley dot com; my blog is bryanfarley photography dot com.

9. Have fun. You did well this year.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Advanced Photography Final

Good Morning and welcome to your final exam!

1 Create a blog post title Advanced Photography Final Exam. When finished, send the link to my gmail2020 AND school email. List the subject as Period 2, Advanced Photo Final Exam.

In the body of the post, answer the following.

2. Today is the 70th anniversary of the brutal D-Day WWII battle.Who was the famous war photographer who stormed Normandy with the soldiers during WWII? How many photos survived?

3. What photo agency did this photographer create after the war? Who were the other founders?

4. What did Henri Cartier-Bresson says needed to be aligned for a photograph to be successful? (hint: three things)

5. Include a link to your photo website (Weebly or Wix) Why did you choose the first photo for your portfolio?

6. Include the link to your unity project. 

7. Unity Project Presentations! Choose someone in your group to present your project. (Each person presents another student's unity project.)

8. If you wish to remain in contact after this year from college or work references, feel free to remember my contact information. You may add a link to my website or blog. This might help you find me later. My website is bryanfarley dot com; my blog is bryanfarley photography dot com.

9. Have fun. You did well this year.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Farley Gleeful Photography Mashup

I think I have a visual dyslexia that allows me to mix up images and words. Sometimes, this dyslexia works against me, but other times I find ways to enjoy the mashup. On my Photo 1 blog, I have added fun photos taken by Photo 1 students and some Advanced Photo students.

Today, June 2, Andrea Banales took a photo of me and Photo 1 student Dejanai Strassner. Below, students from third period played photography.

ROAR with Katy Perry and my little duck. (photo by Akila)
The ROAR photo was taken on June 4th.

Dejanai photographed me on June 4 with Brad Paisely. Say Paisely!
Queen Nefertiti image search in the background along with photos of the Advanced Photo student who took this picture (photo by Marissa Ruvalcaba)

Last week, I introduced my students to using a white board as a reflector.

During Bryan Farley's Advanced Photography class, Bryan Farley points to a seem in the wall of a picture of Bryan Farley. In the original photo, Bryan Farley taught his Photo 1 class how to use a blank wall as a seamless background. Photo by Christina - Advanced Photography class, Period 2
Two Little Fonzies by Weezer (photo by Ruiz Ruiz) See companion photo of Pulp Farley at end of other post.

If you want to add more photos, you can send them to me and/or include the link in your subject line.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Unity Project - Belonging or Fitting In

The Advanced Photo classes started this project early in the second semester. The project was bigger than we expected. As often happens for those who create, some projects must be put aside until the right time. The two Advanced Photo classed decided to move this project to the end of the year.

It is now the end of the year. You can read the post from earlier this year here.

You may include photos from the first part of the project to complete the project. You are to take about 150-200 photos. If you took photos last time, include those photos in your total count. Edit the final number to 15-20.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Website Update

We are nearing the end of the school year. Our final exam will resemble the semester final. Return to your website (not your blog) and improve the portfolio of your best photos.

  • Your portfolio will have from 7-10 of your best photographs.
  • Your portfolio should be easily found on your website.
  • Select your best photograph as your first photograph on your portfolio.
  • Ask at least two people to review your portfolio.
Send the website link to me directly. You may also add your link to this post's comment section.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Quiz - Digital Photography

Participation Grade and Performance Grade. You receive two different grades for this quiz.

Each group will choose a photo for the quiz. Each person will edit and submit a photo for this quiz. However, group members are encouraged to work together. Students will be graded on their ability to work together and to export photos using Aperture. Students are not assessed on whether the photo is "good or bad."

Choose a photo taken by a group member in the last month with a width or height at least 1024 wide or tall. The photo should also be at least 72 dpi.

1. Share the photo to the group by email and cc me.

2. Using the metadata tab in Aperture, include the information about f-stop, shutter speed, ISO and date the photo was taken. Send this information along with your edited photo.

3. Edit the photo in Aperture. If you are in Period 2, edit your photo so that it is 500 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall. If you are in Period 3, edit your photo so that it becomes 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall. (You will probably need to crop the photo.)

4. When you export, export the version at 500 (or 600) pixels wide by 400 pixels tall/high with a dpi of 100. Set the image quality at 12.

5. Name the photo, Period 2 or 3 - your name.

6. Send the photo to my work email, cc my bryanfarley2020 at gmail address, along with the other metadata. Please title the subject, "Period 2 or 3 Quiz - Your Name"

If you have questions, please ask your group members first and then ask me. You are encouraged to participate with your group.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday will become an important day in sports history. Finally, the Los Angeles Clippers were national news! I do not know if there were any important images from yesterday, but there have been important sports photographs in history.

Here is Sports Illustrated list of the 100 Greatest Sports Photographs of All Time.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cindy Sherman Inspired Portraits

So you think that your generation invented the selfie? Well, maybe you invented the word "selfie," but your generation is not the first to take photos of yourself. Your generation is not even the first generation to experience rapid technological advancements. Somehow, my generation blames your generation for our technological creations. Sorta funny.

My generation forgets that the photo booth was invented in the 1800's and popularized in the 1920's. We forget that photography transformed when the world changed between 1935-1945. My generation resembles older generations. We forget things.

I often hear old people like myself talk about the internet as if a new scary world has been created. All of a sudden, people can be fooled. Well, meet the new boss. It's the same as the old boss. (Oh, that's from an old person's song. Bing that.) Before the internet, people wore disguises. Some people lied. Few people told the truth all of the time.

... And then there was Cindy Sherman. She is still alive and possibly active. If you search Cindy Sherman in Google Images, you might think that you made a mistake. You will find about 40 different photos and they all look different. This means that you probably found her.

You will post 5 Cindy Sherman inspired self-portraits and 5 portraits of people in your group. You can borrow the hat in our room so that the photo looks like Penn's photo of Picasso (or see a photo I took of my daughter a few years ago). This project is due before Spring Break so check the calendar.

A few quick notes about how this fits with the previous projects. We just studied surrealists and abstract artists after taking portraits. For the last photo assignment, "Abstract Portraits," you photographed objects that represented people or yourself. This time you are photographing people who are intentionally not genuine. Are they characters? Perhaps. Push as far as you feel comfortable... maybe just a little farther, but be safe.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Participation Grade - April Fools Week

I am not fooling this week. It is really easy to score 100 out of 100 for your weekly participation grade.

You will receive a perfect score if you show up on time every day this week. That's just four days!

You only lose points for a few activities -- unexcused absences, tardies, cell phone, inappropriate computer use and outside work without permission from me.

If you have questions, use the comment section below.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Abstract Portraits

Abstract Portraits

The Bauhaus - from the Metropolitan Museum

Portrait of the Beloved - Peter

1.8 Advanced Students will be able to create an abstract portrait or self-portrait.
(Analyze the works of a well-known artist as to the art media selected and the effect of that selection on the artist's style.)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Your Portrait - A Picture of You

Is this my photograph? Is this my portrait? If one of my students had not given me permission to post this photograph, would I have been allowed to use it? 

When is it OK to plagiarize? Was Robin Hood a thief? Are pirates thieves? Are teachers pirates? Are pirates good or bad?

How similar are these three images? Does it matter? If I take one person's photo and I edit the image slightly, does the image become my image? Who owns the pirate image in the background?

Cartier-Bresson encouraged photographers to have their subject forget about the camera. Unfortunately, there is a disadvantage to his success. People believe that taking portraits is easy. Writers believe that taking pictures is easy. So what to writers do with pictures?

Writers will take your pictures and they will accuse you of plagiarism if you take their words. (Farleyism)

The Photo 1 students are taking their first portraits at the same time that the Advanced Photo students are photographing students from other groups. All my photo students are exploring Cartier-Bresson's apparently simple advice to portrait photographers. I helped the Photo 1 students. The Advanced Photo students chose location and subjects.

You will post five of your favorite photos. Share the blog link with the people you photograph. Comment on their post about your experience being photographed. DISCUSS HOW IT FELT BEING PHOTOGRAPHED AND PHOTOGRAPHING.

If you have completed your assignment, begin studying Walter Peterhans Portrait of the Beloved. Your next assignment will be similar.

4.5 Employ the conventions of art criticism in writing and speaking about works of art. 
5.2 Create a work of art that communicates a cross-cultural or universal theme taken from literature or history.

Post Script
After we took these photographs, I went to Washington, D.C. for the National Epilepsy Walk. While in D.C., I visited the National Portrait Gallery. Yesterday, Lens published a story about the new exhibit "American Cool." 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sharing and Commenting

Sharing your work is an important part of being an artist.

Engaging in discourse with other artists is an important part of being an artist.

You will use the blogger comment section, to comment and ask questions of artists in other groups as well as the artists in your group.

For the first assignment, ask question about The Beatles/Eppridge project. Find one group in this class and ask questions. When you receive a question, reply.

For the second assignment, discuss with the other groups, The Unity Project.

For the third, find two groups in the other Advanced photo glass, and discuss The Beatles/Eppridge project.

For the fourth assignment, ask the remaining groups in the other Advanced Photo class and discuss The Unity project.

Group leaders, please share your link in the comment section so that other groups can contact you. Are you period 2 or 3?

I will also provide a bonus blog post from my personal blog so that students can create extra work for me and learn about my process. Here is the post. (Note: the post was created on March 11, 2014. This blog post was edited on March 12, 2014.)


Friday, February 21, 2014

Ansel Adams and Aperture

Yesterday was Ansel Adams' birthday. We are using one of my photos that reminds me of an Ansel Adams photo, especially when converted to black and white. I am sending a larger file to your group leaders so that you can complete this assignment.

1. Use Aperture and create a Black and White image.

2. Resize it to 440 pixels wide by 660 pixels tall

3. Make the photo 100 dpi

4. Create a text watermark and add to the photo. Since I took the photo, the watermark should read something similar to "copyright Bryan Farley."

5. Send to resized Black and White photo to my school email. Title the email, Period 2 (or 3), Happy Belated Birthday, Ansel Adams

Oh, two more things...

First, I should list a learning objective here, but I forgot.
Secondly, and probably more important (to me), I neglected to tell you how grateful I am to be your teacher. Even during the moments when I am sarcastic (and rude) and tell you that it is not my job to teach but my job to have you learn. I love being your teacher. You are an amazing group of students. 


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Unity Art Contest Assignment - Enter or Not

For your next assignment, you will prepare a photograph for the Diablo Peace & Justice Center's 17th Annual Dennis Thomas Art & Writing Challenge.

You do NOT NEED TO ENTER THE COMPETITION. For this class, you need to submit a photograph to me.

For the project, post 15-20 photos. Call the post Art Contest - Fitting In or Belonging (note: added for clarification on March 6th, 2014)

Visual Performing Art Standards

2.1 Adv Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill in a variety of media that reflect their feelings and points of view.
5.2 Create a work of art that communicates a cross-cultural or universal theme taken from literature or history.

The following is the call for entries. If you have questions, you may contact the organizer.


Diablo Peace & Justice Center's
17th Annual  Dennis Thomas



Nelson Mandela said, "A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of" and Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Through our scientific genius we have made of the world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spiritual genius we must make of it a brotherhood."

Let us consider the ways we can work together to celebrate the diversity of our world.  Mr. Mandela speaks of "community" and Dr. King speaks of "neighborhood" and "brotherhood."   Using your unique, artistic voice, create a visual and/or literary interpretation of diversity, multiculturalism, community, or brotherhood.

Ideas to Consider:

Think about ways of bringing people together.  Remember a time you experienced a new culture, became friends with someone different from you, or challenged a stereotype.


Middle School:   1@$200, 2@$100, 3@$75 and 4@$50

High School:   1@$500, 2@$250, 3@$150 and 4@$100

Winners will be honored at an Awards Dinner on Saturday, May 10, 2014

Four Categories Available:

Essay - 750 (middle school) or 1,000 (high school) words or less;

Creative Writing - poem, story or play;

Art - any medium; or

Video - on DVD or memory stick

Contest Rules:

 1.  Contest is open to all Contra Costa County students.

 1.  VERY IMPORTANT !!!:  For all entries: Include a cover sheet with your NAME, HOME ADDRESS, PHONE, EMAIL, SCHOOL, GRADE, TEACHER (or teacher who informed you of the contest), TEACHER'S PHONE and EMAIL, ENTRY CATEGORY and TITLE OF WORK. (please use cover sheet available below)

 1.  All writing entries are to be a maximum of 750 words (middle school) or 1,000 (high school): typed, double-spaced, with numbered pages.  Please have a teacher review your writing before submitting.  If possible, send the document as a .doc or .docx email attachment to<>.  Otherwise, send two copies by mail.  Writing entries will not be returned.
 2.  For art entries, attach the cover sheet on the back.  Arrangements will be made for art to be returned after the Awards Dinner.
 3.  Entries will be judged on composition, originality, depth of thought, and relationship to topic.
 4.  Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center reserves the right to reprint all entries.

Postmarked or delivered no later than

5 p.m. Friday, April 11, 2014.

Mail to:  Mt.  Diablo Peace & Justice Center 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 or contact the office to arrange for delivery: (925) 933-7850 or<>

Two weeks
15-20 finished photos each
Theme Oriented

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Only Slightly Surprisingly Quiz

Artists find inspiration from many places. Photographers copy other photographers. Musicians "cover" other artists' songs. Sometimes musicians choose their band's name from a song by one of their favorite bands.

For example, the band Girl In A Coma chose their name from The Smiths' song "Girlfriend in a Coma." (Our new student requested a Smiths' song yesterday.)

We are using one of my Girl In A Coma images for our quiz today. My students may use this image for the assignment and resize it. Currently, the image is a rectangle. It is also large and print ready. You will edit.

1. Use Aperture and create a square image.

2. Resize it to 600 pixels by 600 pixels

3. Make the photo 100 dpi

4. Create your own watermark and add to the photo.

5. Send to me in an email. Title the email, Square Web Ready Quiz

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Meet Bill Eppridge and 4 Musicians from Liverpool

50 Years ago this week, The Beatles "invaded" America. Bill Eppridge photographed the band during their first week in this country... a week that changed the world of music. Before Eppridge died last year, he and his wife collected previously unreleased photographs from the Beatle's first visit.

Eppridge is better known for his photographs of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and other serious documentary work.

For this assignment, students will be able to recreate one of Eppridge's Beatle's photos and a Beatle's album cover.

All of his photographs were in black in white, so the Eppridge inspired photograph will be in black and white. The album cover may be in cover. Both final products must be "print ready" at 300 dpi AND posted on your blog at 100 dpi.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Print Ready

Choose a best photo with the input of your group. If you feel comfortable, ask other people from the class, including the teacher.

1. Prepare a 4x6 inch image at 240 dpi

2. Prepare a 5x7 inch image at 300 dpi

3. Prepare an 8x10 inch image at 300 dpi

Post the smaller photo on your blog and send all three to my school email address.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Semester Final - Advanced Photo Period 3

Good Morning Period 3!

1. Create a blog post titled  "Semester Final Exam - Period 3" You will email this blog post to me when  you are finished with your final.

2. Type the name to your photo website link and embed the link so that I can click on your website name and go directly to your photo website in a new window. (I gave you an example using my website.)

3. Check that your links to your group member blogs work and that they are included on your blog.

4. Find your favorite blog post that you published from this year. (Here is an example, but you attach the you favorite post, not your entire site.) Give me three reasons that this was your favorite blog post. Why did you like the post?

5. Choose your favorite photo from the semester and tell me why it was your favorite. Paste the photo. List three reasons that you liked the photo.

6. Choose your BEST photos from the first semester. Provide THREE reasons using the language of photography class to explain why the photo was your best. Include the photo or a link to the photo! 

7. List three advantages for working in groups and three disadvantages. (You can use bullets, lists or complete sentences.)

8. Complete this phrase from Life magazine's founder. "Picture _______ "

9. Henri Cartier-Bresson knew when his photos were good because these three things were aligned. What were the three things?

10. Check your spelling and formatting for all your blog posts and pages on your webpages.

11. I am wearing gray today and feeling blue. Edit the photo I took this morning. Open Aperture and color correct the white balance. If you choose, edit the photo to improve composition. Post the before and after photos, so that there are 3 final photos. 1. Before. 2. Color Corrected. 3. Black and White.

12. What project would interest YOU during second semester? 

13. Why do you think Mr. Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone?"

14. No cell phones, headphones or outside classwork at your terminal during the final. No Talking!

15. Send me an email to my Pittsburg Unified work email. The subject should be titled " Period ____ Semester Final, Advanced Photo

I think that is all. If you have questions about the final exam, please walk quietly to the front of the room and ask me.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Semester Final - Advanced Photo - Period 2

Good Morning Period 2!

1. Create a blog post titled  "Semester Final Exam"

2. Type the name to your photo website link and embed the link so that I can click on your website name and go directly to your photo website in a new window. (I gave you an example using my website.)

3. Check that your links to your group member blogs work and that they are included on your blog.

4. Find your favorite blog post that you published from this year. Attach the link here. Give me three reasons that this was your favorite blog post. Why did you like the post?

5. Choose your favorite photo from the semester and tell me why it was your favorite. Paste the photo. List three reasons that you liked the photo.

6. Choose your BEST photos from the first semester. Provide THREE reasons using the language of photography class to explain why the photo was your best. Include the photo or a link to the photo! 

7. List three advantages for working in groups and three disadvantages. (You can use bullets, lists or complete sentences.)

8. Complete this phrase from Life magazine's founder. "Photo _______ "

9. Henri Cartier-Bresson knew when his photos were good because these three things were aligned. What were the three things?

10. Check your spelling and formatting for all your blog posts and pages on your webpages.

11. I am wearing orange today... and I am peaceful, but I am not THAT orange and peaceful. Edit the photo I took this morning. Open Aperture and color correct the white balance. If you choose, edit the photo to improve composition.  Post the before and after photos.

12. What project would interest YOU during second semester? 

13. Why do you think Mr. Farley has a "Hecka Free Zone?"

14. No cell phones, headphones or outside classwork at your terminal during the final. No Talking!

15. Send me an email to my Pittsburg Unified work email. The subject should be titled " Period ____ Semester Final, Advanced Photo

I think that is all. If you have questions about the final exam, please walk quietly to the front of the room and ask me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Preparing for the Final

Today is our last day in Advanced Photo before our Semester Final.

Yor semester final is 20 prcnt of your semstr grade. Spelling matters! Links should work. Formatting counts for 
  • hope. 
  • Can you edit a photo using Apture?
  • Can you re-order a blog post?
  • Have you commented on your group's posts?
  • Have you uploaded your best photos to your wesbite portfolio?
  • Do you know the class rules?
  • Photo __________
  • Henri Carter Bresson says what?

What are the benifits of working with a group? What are the disadvantages? 

This is a digital photography class... know how to send an email and link. Check the links. If you have not done so now, do it during the final. 

Many of you have done extraordinary work. When you go to sleep the night before the final exam, remember all the wonderful things you have accomplished. Be prepared to discuss them using the language of the photography class... just spell better than I do.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Advanced Photography - First Semester Final Project (Participation)

Advanced Photography recently finished a project inspired by master photographers. Now we are creating projects that are inspired by the group. The group chooses the subject. The final semester project is a 500 point assignment grade. 

This post is for the 200 point participation grade.

For your Participation grade, you must

1. Choose a topic that inspires you. If it bores you, do not expect me to be interested.
2. Draw a rough sketch before your shoot
3. Preview the location and review of your original sketch
4. Take test shot and review together in Aperture
5. Photograph as a group
6. Review and edit photographs in Aperture
7. Prepare for next shoots
8. Comment and Assist each other
9. Use comment section when finished to show that your group members have participated
10. Select favorite photos in website too